This early morning I find and admire seashell earrings pieced together with my 23-year-old fingers, having plucked up each shell from the shoreline in Melbourne Beach. I remember drilling a hole in them while sprawled out on the floor of my apartment where children weren't even a glimmer, stringing beads up to the ear hook. I placed one larger pearlescent bead in the mouth of the shell and kept them all these years, but have rarely worn them. It seems lately I'm touching an older timeline from the early '90s stitching it into my now life. An astrologer said it’s a waning moon-phase in my progressed chart: a beautiful era coming to a pointed crescent tip of an end. Placing them in my now ears I find my meditation seat outside. Unsurprisingly the daily guide takes me back to earlier versions of life exploring an interior soul-house witnessing different versions of myself and in that space I am to imagine all the ways that I'm getting my needs met in these different life eras as if it's happening right in front of me. (I can't see any other home than the one I currently live in, perched near the edge of the Gulf, graciously holding change.) Here in this seat of peace, deep in the Interior Castle, all I can say is Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for my journey and its many iterations… the weight of my desire reversing now into gushing gratitude. I gently open my eyes to the candelabra of willowy palm fronds ablaze in the treetop with the Morning Sun, shimmering and clattering in the breeze so many little ribbons of green. Osprey cheering.
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