This is my body, not your altar of sacrifice. It is my sacrifice to make. This is my body - her sensuality the commodity of capitalism, the driver of dollars yet the threat of your ruin; So much power and idolatry you have made of me only to tear me down, tear me open or gatekeep my womb like a cave of stolen treasures. This is my body, source of greening life like Earth, unfolding from the same divinity you shun as you digest the spoils. Why is my body the battleground on which a nation divides, dehumanizes and destroys, casting lots to"protect" me without my consent, ignoring where I'm plundered and plundering where I'm ignored? I never asked for your wars over my sovereign territory. My skin is my sacred boundary. This is my body. I have birthed every one of you. This is my body not given for you but taken from me. For the only pleasing sacrifice is one made in sovereignty, one in which the giver willingly utters the words,"This is my body given for you... Remember me." I do not want to be remembered this way.
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